Bouquet of epiphanies, collection of intricate emotional nuances and not to mention the sweet but bitter experiences. In the words of my heart I would say these writings are tender bare feelings dusted with flakes of creativity.

I ain't a Revolutionist

Some times are very scary they would make you think that your life has come to an end.
Times like these are the ones that teach us how to fool our mind.

Delusions are common and clarity is a rarity.

In the ocean of turmoil and confusion does the world make us swim. 

Our mind is very timid and soft but very powerful.
So powerful that it can create or destroy our life.

They would feed you with honey when what you just needed was water

You would join the group of judges not knowing that even you're a victim.

Isn't it that our tastes and likings are no longer ours.
Is it not true that we put on a fake smile just to hide our scars.

I ain't a revolutionist but a story teller whose story is not so different from what I just told.
