Bouquet of epiphanies, collection of intricate emotional nuances and not to mention the sweet but bitter experiences. In the words of my heart I would say these writings are tender bare feelings dusted with flakes of creativity.

When You Walked Away

This narration is an after-tale of a long relationship that bloomed and blossomed only to be broken into pieces.

I loved everything that you did even the act of you hurting me.

I came to ask for threads and needle to stitch my heart but surely not to disturb you. 

I didn't know how much of you I shared when you were close to me, but now I know as 
I feel heavy.

When your hands left mine I felt the lines on my palms as cracks on my heart

I'm surely not empty-handed when I have your memories to hold

Do night and day exist I don't think so! 

The music plays but there is no you to serenade.

We both are one or were we?

I write your name on the flakes that fall off my dry heart

I’m not your lover anymore but you will surely be mine.
